Bitter Legacy 

 (The Samurai Revival Trilogy - Vol. 3)



BITTER LEGACY, the third and final volume of the Samurai Revival Trilogy, begins as Nyunt, Tessa's adopted Burmese daughter, approaches adulthood she decides to take up the sword and become a Peacekeeper. Tessa patiently totors the increasingly headstrong girl.

Then, against Tessa's advice, she decides to go back to Burma to trace her family; her new boyfriend goes with her. By the time she returns to London, Nyunt is convinced Tessa killed her birth father. A deep rift forms between them and Nyunt walks out.
Devastated and unable to accept her daughter's wild accusations, Tessa ignores her misgivings and travels to Burma herself. She uncovers the truth, but a lethal trap is sprung. Captured and cruelly imprisoned, she loses her precious sword. But refusing to abandon hope, she plots her escape. There are scores to settle and wrongs to right...
However, after the brutal treatment she has endured Tessa's reliability is called into question, just as the integrity of Japan itself comes under threat.




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Click here to download Bitter Legacy Chapters 1 & 2


© 2006 Mood Music (MdMsc) recommendations are included throughout in some versions of these novels to provide a further means of experiencing the story and enhancing the reader's enjoyment.


© 2010 Rheagan Greene, all rights reserved

Author of The Samurai Revival Trilogy

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